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what their are

Magnetic insoles

Your brain relies on good quality information from the foot area for optimal control of your movement, posture & balance. This information comes from proprioceptors, which are nerve endings that give your brain vital information about body position & movement.  So failure to make proper contact with ground means the proprioceptors are not being stimulated enough by touch & pressure to send the brain the signals it needs.

Bioeletric Proprioceptive Insoles, have inside, a deprogramming magnetic field , to re balance muscle chains when their are  unbalanced.

This can be mono lateral (right or left) or both , depending of the chain unbalanced.

Also we have Anatomic Bioelectric Proprioceptive Insoles, when we need some correction, mainly, when patients have a flat foot or  aligth valgus

In this case you an special foot support corretion togheter with the magnetic corretion.

This insoles return to balance the muscle chains, helping the postural rehabilitation.

For anatomy corretion
It can be right ,left or bilateral.
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